Upcoming events.

Progressive Dinner
Join us as we travel house to house for our progressive dinner. There is a sign up sheet in the back of the church.

Fall Festival
Come Join us for the annual Fall Festival - there will be Trunk or Treat, Games and Food. We hope to see you there.

Fall Clean Up Day
Volunteers are needed for deep cleaning for both buildings and any outdoor needs. Coffee and Donuts provided. See Jason for any information

20's and 30's Fun Night
If you are in your 20’s and 30’s and would like to fellowship with others in the same age group come out to the church on March 2. Child Care will be provided

Fellowship Meal
Bring a dish to share. We will meet immediately following the morning service

Progressive Dinner
Join us as we travel house to house for our progressive dinner. You can sign up by Clicking Here

FBFC Fall Festival
Come Join Us on the 28 for Food, Fun, Games, Fellowship and Truck or Treat

Fellowship Dinner after Bible Conference
We will be having a fellowship dinner following the Bible Conference. Please bring a dish to share.

Bible Conference with David Morris Day 2
Please join us on September 23 and 24 for a Bible Conference with David Morris

Bible Conference with David Morris Day 1
Please join us on September 23 and 24 for a Bible Conference with David Morris

Edifying Women
Join the Ladies on Tuesday nights for Edifying Women as they study 1 Peter: A Living Hope In Christ by Jen Wilkin

Monday Night Bible Study
Every Monday night at 7pm we join together to study God’s Word. Please feel free to join us.

Edifying Women
Edifying Women is starting back up on September 12 please join the ladies every Tuesday night as they study 1 Peter: A Living Hope In Christ by Jen Wilkin

There will be a baptism service following the Sunday morning service on September 3 with fellowship luncheon to follow

FBFC 2nd Annual Car Show
Come out and Join us for the 2nd Annual FBFC car show at Evergreen Elementary. There will be prizes, free food,

Date Night
For all our young couples with children we invite you to take a night and go out with your spouse. Leave your kids at the church as a team of volunteers entertains them.
Note: If you are interested in volunteering please inquire at the church.